Dave Vitalli stands up to Corrupt Politicians in Tennessee and stand with Gov. Ron Desantis in Florida

NASHVILLE, TN – Dave Vitalli began his campaign for U.S. Congress in Tennessee’s 5th District, which represents parts of Nashville and surrounding counties because he knows we need a strong […]
“GOOD OL’ BOY” politics at its best. TN Congressional race heats up

Nashville, TN: Three well-funded outsider candidates for Congress, who each embrace the MAGA agenda, have been challenged by a local GOP party leader to prove they are “bona fide Republicans”. […]
Vitalli Announces Plan to Protect Children

Nashville, TN: Classrooms across the country have integrated perverse sexual content into curricula for children as young as grade school. In a time when conservative voices are silenced, Dave Vitalli […]
Republican Elitists Flip Of Constitution and Take Voice from Voters in Tennessee

Nashville, TN: Yesterday, the Tennessee legislature passed SB2616 an unconstitutional bill prohibiting new Tennesseans from serving in Congress. Dave Vitalli responded to the passed legislation,“I’m certain there are no coincidences […]