Meet your Candidate

We the people are not here to serve Washington, Washington is here to serve the people.


Term Limits
Fixing Imigration
Bringing Down Fuel Prices

Dave Vitalli

He Is A LEADER. He will lead where others have failed. He will not only address the problem. HE WILL FIX IT!

Term Limits

Fixing Immigration

Bringing Down Fuel Prices

Election Integrity

lowering health care

lowering medication prices

Dave Vitalli Stands Up To The Corrupt Politicians In Tennessee And Stands With Gov. Ron Desantis In Florida!


People are asking me why after so many years of being asked to get involved with politics, why I am doing it now? I’ve been a government contractor for over 25 years and have worked with numerous administrations and governments throughout the world. I have seen the good and the bad when it comes to the world of politics. It just seems now that people that are involved are looking for personal gain more than doing their civic duty to serve their country and then return to their civilian life. It seems that now that the government has become a big business, we need leaders to step in and make changes and that know how to fight while being able to negotiate for a common good for all of the people.

Time and time again, you turn on the news and see congressmen and senators acting as if they are on a reality TV show. It seems like many of them are too busy pandering to the cameras instead of getting what they were elected to do done. Everyone seems to be more worried about their own personal gains rather than what they were put in office to do. 

I have been a registered Republican since I was 18 years old. However, I am a constitutionalist and a libertarian and believe that everyone has a right to be heard. 

I believe in We The People” before party. Everyone has the inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness no matter their political affiliation, the color of their skin, religious beliefs, gender, or financial status.

Time and time again, you turn on the news and see congressmen and senators acting as if they are on a reality TV show. It seems like many of them are too busy pandering to the cameras instead of getting what they were elected to do done. Everyone seems to be more worried about their own personal gains rather than what they were put in office to do. 

I have been a registered Republican since I was 18 years old. However, I am a constitutionalist and a libertarian and believe that everyone has a right to be heard. 

I believe in “We The People” before the party. Everyone has the inevitable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness no matter their political affiliation, the color of their skin, religious beliefs, gender, or financial status.

I believe in hope over fear, and being able to lead by strength, not by weakness, and still have compassion for our fellow man.

Leaders lead, politicians follow.

I see very few leaders and just a bunch of politicians.

Two words should never go together, career politician,” and that’s all that seems to be out there. I believe that many people feel the same way that I do, and they are just afraid to say it. 

It is time to take a stand. It is time to realize that United we stand but divided we fall. Enough of the hate, enough of the rhetoric, enough of the party politics. A society that lives in the past will never move forward. It’s time for we the people all have our voices heard. 

Tennessee needs a leader. Tennessee needs someone that will never give up the fight but will lead with compassion and must have the cunningness to negotiate with everyone.

I am that leader. If given the opportunity, I will not let you down. I have done it for our country, I have done it for companies, And I have done it for families. 

I will not fail you. That is my oath to you…

“I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” Phillippians 4:13

The federal government should not infringe on each state’s constitution and the state’s rights to govern its people. It seems that too many politicians do not know the difference between a state constitution and the Constitution of the United States, Nor do they know the difference between Being a state representative to being a federal representative.

 I believe in unity, not division.

 Hope over fear, and being able to lead by strength, not by weakness, and still have compassion for our fellow man.

Leaders lead, politicians follow.

I see very few leaders and just a bunch of politicians.

Two words should never go together, “career politician,” and that’s all that seems to be out there. I believe that many people feel the same way that I do, and they are just afraid to say it. 

It is time to take a stand. It is time to realize that United we stand but divided we fall. Enough of the hate, enough of the rhetoric, enough of the party politics. A society that lives in the past will never move forward. It’s time for we the people all have our voices heard. 

Tennessee needs a leader. Tennessee needs someone that will never give up the fight but will lead with compassion and must have the cunningness to negotiate with everyone.

I am that leader. If given the opportunity, I will not let you down. I have done it for our country, I have done it for companies, And I have done it for families. 

I will not fail you. That is my oath to you…