Nashville, TN: Yesterday, the Tennessee legislature passed SB2616 an unconstitutional bill prohibiting new Tennesseans from serving in Congress.
Dave Vitalli responded to the passed legislation,“I’m certain there are no coincidences that Sen. Nicely who sponsored this in the Senate is also endorsing one of my opponents, Beth Harwell – the sixty-five year old establishment choice still using pictures of herself when she was in her forties in campaign literature. It is a shame candidates are so weak that the only way they can win is to use their political cronies to pass laws that eliminate two of their top competitors. There is nothing these people fear more than allowing the voters to actually make a choice for themselves because of good ole’ boy establishment fears that the Republican faithful may elect someone the elitists cannot control. With this new ridiculous law, Davey Crockett wouldn’t have even been able to run for Congress again in Tennessee if he had survived the Alamo without waiting three years once moving home.
I was running on term limits because of problems just like this. America doesn’t have a party problem nearly as much as it has a career politician problem. When I left New York due to their corrupt Democrat controlled government, I was amazed and saddened to see the same level of backroom corruption in Republican controlled Tennessee. The people really have no voice, and this law is another example of the elites working hard to ensure they never will. This unconstitutional law is despicable and represents politics at its very worst. Harwell may win due to these inside shenanigans, but the real losers will be the Tennessee voters that her and her cronies have stripped of a chance to have more choices at the ballot box.”
Dave Vitalli was seeking the Republican nomination for Congress in Tennessee’s 5th Congressional District. Vitalli is a former CMT show host and international security operations expert and philanthropist. He resides in Brentwood, TN with his wife and son and owns corporations in Tennessee and New York.